So decided it was time for a new post considering i added two more spur of the moment Character Archetypes each with their own custom crafted weapon. (Crafted by them in Insertion, Original from me though)
I think this brings the drawing board of people to draw from scratch to about 10, I think. Might be eight, but pretty sure its 10.
Lot of work ahead.
So as usual, each Archetype has their own weapon that they are proficient in. Usually their chosen weapon has some special effect that makes them more dangerous then the original models
John: Rifles-Rush Chamber, Quick fire
Ric: Revolvers-Secondary Shell Coating, Special effects
Reginald: Broadsword-Forsaken Ability, Piercing
Sen: Small Swords-Untouchable, Speed
Dredge: Rocket Launchers-Larger then Life, Big BOOM
Rune: Daggers-Helix Prototype, Hyper-Speed
Archetype 1: ArchStaff-?, ?
Archetype 2: RJ-BH-486-?, ?
The question marks mean i really don't know what makes the weapons special, still working it out at anyrate. So on to other things.
Insertion itself has all of 0/0 frames, thats because I'm focusing on the drawing right now. Which is going to take a hit with my school starting up again today. Fun.
Also, get Borderlands, its awesome.
Otherwise, thanks for taking time to read this and deal with my bullshit